Who can get involved in Worship Ministry?
Anyone! While the levels of commitment and expectation vary depending on the level of leadership responsibility in our worship gatherings, there are plenty of no-obligation ways for members and guests to get involved right away.
Anyone! While the levels of commitment and expectation vary depending on the level of leadership responsibility in our worship gatherings, there are plenty of no-obligation ways for members and guests to get involved right away.
How do I get involved?
The best way is to visit a weekly rehearsal.
Kids Music Wednesdays 6 pm
Media Team Wednesdays 6 pm
Classic Choir Wednesdays 6 pm
Orchestra Wednesdays 6 pm
Celebration Choir Sundays at 10am and one afternoon per month
The best way is to visit a weekly rehearsal.
Kids Music Wednesdays 6 pm
Media Team Wednesdays 6 pm
Classic Choir Wednesdays 6 pm
What if I can’t be involved on a week-by-week basis?
There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with special events or certain seasons of the year. Watch and listen for special announcements, and contact Lee Barnett to let us know that you’d like to participate.
There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with special events or certain seasons of the year. Watch and listen for special announcements, and contact Lee Barnett to let us know that you’d like to participate.
I have an ability, but I don’t see an opportunity to use it. Am I out of luck?
Not at all. Throughout the year, we need writers, photographers, painters, sculptors, dancers, actors, carpenters, as well as crafty and creative people of all kinds. We can help you find an opportunity to use your ability.
Not at all. Throughout the year, we need writers, photographers, painters, sculptors, dancers, actors, carpenters, as well as crafty and creative people of all kinds. We can help you find an opportunity to use your ability.

I haven’t played my instrument since high school. Can I play in orchestra?
Sure! Your skills will come back quicker than you think. Our players have a wide range of ability levels, and you’ll feel right at home.
Sure! Your skills will come back quicker than you think. Our players have a wide range of ability levels, and you’ll feel right at home.
I used to play a lot, but I don’t have an instrument anymore. Can you help?
Maybe. Come talk to us and we’ll see what we can do.
Maybe. Come talk to us and we’ll see what we can do.
I’ve never played an instrument before, but I’m interested in learning. Can I play in orchestra?
Not right away. We’re excited that you’re interested in learning, and we can point you toward some resources. You definitely want to firmly grasp the basics of your instrument before progressing to playing in orchestra.
Not right away. We’re excited that you’re interested in learning, and we can point you toward some resources. You definitely want to firmly grasp the basics of your instrument before progressing to playing in orchestra.
What about beginner band students?
We’re excited that you’re in band. Most students are ready for orchestra during their 9th grade year.
We’re excited that you’re in band. Most students are ready for orchestra during their 9th grade year.
How often does the orchestra lead in worship?
The orchestra plays in Classic Worship 2–3 times per month depending on the availability of the players and the needs of the worship gathering. We also play during other worship events thoughout the year. We use an online scheduling system to keep track of the worship gatherings when we play. We rehearse most Wednesdays to be well prepared for our worship-leading responsibilities.
The orchestra plays in Classic Worship 2–3 times per month depending on the availability of the players and the needs of the worship gathering. We also play during other worship events thoughout the year. We use an online scheduling system to keep track of the worship gatherings when we play. We rehearse most Wednesdays to be well prepared for our worship-leading responsibilities.
Celebration Choir
I’ve never sung in a choir before, but I love to sing. Can I get involved?
Absolutely! You are exactly the kind of person we need! Most of our singers have a little experience singing and a lot of enthusiasm for worship leading.
Absolutely! You are exactly the kind of person we need! Most of our singers have a little experience singing and a lot of enthusiasm for worship leading.
When does the Celebration Choir lead in worship?
The Celebration Choir leads during Celebration Worship most Sundays during the school year. We take a summer break and a few other selected weeks off during the school year.
The Celebration Choir leads during Celebration Worship most Sundays during the school year. We take a summer break and a few other selected weeks off during the school year.
Why doesn’t the Celebration Choir sing a “special” every week?
The main role of the Celebration Choir is encouraging everyone who gathers for worship to actively participate in singing. The choir sings a “featured song” one or two times per month, usually to introduce a new song to the congregation.
The main role of the Celebration Choir is encouraging everyone who gathers for worship to actively participate in singing. The choir sings a “featured song” one or two times per month, usually to introduce a new song to the congregation.
I’m not interested in choir, but I’d love to sing a solo in Celebration Worship. Where do I sign up for that?
We’re pretty serious about this issue. Singers who are featured as individuals during worship have a high degree of leadership responsibility, so for that reason, we expect a high level of commitment and servanthood from them. Almost every vocalist featured in Celebration Worship has an ongoing weekly commitment to some aspect of the worship ministry.
We’re pretty serious about this issue. Singers who are featured as individuals during worship have a high degree of leadership responsibility, so for that reason, we expect a high level of commitment and servanthood from them. Almost every vocalist featured in Celebration Worship has an ongoing weekly commitment to some aspect of the worship ministry.

Classic Choir
I can’t read music. Will that keep me from singing in Classic Choir?
Not at all. Our singers share a love of singing, but their musical skill levels vary widely, from no experience at all to advanced college degrees in music. You’ll find plenty of encouraging people who will meet you where you are and help you get involved.
Not at all. Our singers share a love of singing, but their musical skill levels vary widely, from no experience at all to advanced college degrees in music. You’ll find plenty of encouraging people who will meet you where you are and help you get involved.
I have some physical limitations. Is choir a possibility for me?
Most likely. We can make all sorts of accommodations to get you involved.
Most likely. We can make all sorts of accommodations to get you involved.
Why does the choir leave the choir loft in the middle of our worship gatherings?
All of our choir singers consider themselves “participants with” the congregation rather than “performers for” the congregation. One practice that reminds us of this mindset is moving to sit with the congregation mid-service.
All of our choir singers consider themselves “participants with” the congregation rather than “performers for” the congregation. One practice that reminds us of this mindset is moving to sit with the congregation mid-service.

I consider myself a “drama queen,” and I love to create drama wherever I go. Is that what you’re looking for?
No, no, no. All of our worship ministry participants are servants of the church, so there’s little room for ego or interpersonal drama. We like to keep all the drama on the stage.
No, no, no. All of our worship ministry participants are servants of the church, so there’s little room for ego or interpersonal drama. We like to keep all the drama on the stage.
Seriously, what kind of drama opportunities exist in our church?
We love to use drama during special seasonal events and during other worship gatherings throughout the year.
We love to use drama during special seasonal events and during other worship gatherings throughout the year.
Do you have a weekly drama rehearsal?
We would love to create this opportunity when enough actors get involved.
We would love to create this opportunity when enough actors get involved.
Kid's Worship
When does kids music happen?
We sing and do music activities every week during the first half hour of Excite Night for grades 1–6 on Wednesdays.
We sing and do music activities every week during the first half hour of Excite Night for grades 1–6 on Wednesdays.
How is it organized?
Since all kids gradually acquire music abilities the same way they learn vocabulary for talking and gain strength and coordination for sports, we divide kids by grade levels. We believe — along with music education experts — that a kid’s potential for music isn’t “fixed” but “growing” as a child has a lifetime of musical experiences.
Since all kids gradually acquire music abilities the same way they learn vocabulary for talking and gain strength and coordination for sports, we divide kids by grade levels. We believe — along with music education experts — that a kid’s potential for music isn’t “fixed” but “growing” as a child has a lifetime of musical experiences.
Do you need adult volunteers?
Absolutely! These kids can’t learn how to be musical worshippers on their own. They need passionate, committed adults to guide them and show them the way.
Absolutely! These kids can’t learn how to be musical worshippers on their own. They need passionate, committed adults to guide them and show them the way.
I can’t sing. Can I still help out with kids music?
Yes. Your enthusiasm for kids and for worship is the thing we need most. You’ll probably discover that your musical skills develop along the way.
Yes. Your enthusiasm for kids and for worship is the thing we need most. You’ll probably discover that your musical skills develop along the way.
But just women, right? Men can’t really help with kids music, can they?
What?! How will a whole generation of boys become musical worshipers without strong male role models? Men, we need you to help boys learn that singing and worshipping is something that real men do.
What?! How will a whole generation of boys become musical worshipers without strong male role models? Men, we need you to help boys learn that singing and worshipping is something that real men do.